Finishing your school life and entering the college phase can be a bit difficult; more than anyone might have imagined. A person is surrounded by ample of work, new people, responsibilities, et cetera. The envi...
Changing of school furniture is ‘frowned upon’; not in a bad sense, but it is considered as an unwanted expenditure instead of a useful and long-lasting investment. It is high time that schools and colleges cha...
A school is not just a faculty teaching its students; it takes much more than a blackboard and a chalk to form a child’s future. In addition to school books and notebooks, it is imperative that good quality fur...
Schools may be boring for the toddlers, but their exposure to outdoor games and activities is an important part of the school curriculum. Shaping and enhancing kids’ physical and mental health through the imple...
One of the most remarkable things that everyone has witnessed is the evolution of education in the past decade. Long gone are the days when students used to just sit on the wooden desks and chairs, stare at the...
India is trying to keep up with the technological and digital development happening around the world, yet school renovations are still considered an ‘investment’ or ‘extra expenditure’. However, many school adm...
Technology and modernisation have taken over the world in the past decade. Various countries have shifted the functioning of their economy online; the usage of internet has reached heights and become a source o...
A huge change has been noticed with the arrival of digitization and modern technology. From economic sector to the education sector of India, one can notice a lot of evolution taking place almost every day. Wit...
When we hear the word ‘modern classroom ‘, we suddenly picture a school premise with efficient and trendy furniture, consisting of collaborative seating, new desks and chairs, shelves and lockers to store books...
A good school and the quality of its education is determined through their different manners of teaching and provision of other resources – something that we have been listening, ye t alone believing for decade...