Finishing your school life and entering the college phase can be a bit difficult; more than anyone might have imagined. A person is surrounded by ample of work, new people, responsibilities, et cetera. The environment a person grows in affects as well.
However, the worldwide pandemic has changed everything. Colleges and educational were shut down, just like every other functioning entities. For almost a year, students and teachers carried out the ‘learning ‘activities using the latest technology and upgraded versions of internet. Somehow things improved a bit this year; people thought the new normal will finally change back to our old lives, but unfortunately, the second wave of Covid-19 hit us brutally. Once again, every functioning of the economy switched to online mode.

Even after so many difficulties, our people have come back stronger. So is the need to have stronger classroom setups! There is no denying that a new and better arrangement within the school premise can have a deep and long-lasting impact on the students. The sitting arrangement and setting of desks can either hinder a child’s education, or can help elevate its growth. Many teachers prefer a particular type of classroom layout, where students often have to adapt the different sitting arrangements and situations. A classroom is a place where a child’s growth is developed, formed and shaped. It consists of exchange of ideas, discussions, behavioral development, et cetera. Hence, the slightest re-arrangements within the classroom play a crucial role that helps you not only have a better control over the students, but also to improve the ambience and environment.
By understanding the importance of such minimal (or big) changes, Popcorn Furniture aims to bring the change within the education sector by extending their hands towards such new beginnings. We intent to create an image where students are huddled together and can perform various activities together, helping in increasing one’s mental wellness. In such arrangements, the teacher has benefit: he or she can easily walk around the class, engage with the students in a better manner and keep a track on their activities.
The team of Popcorn Furniture aspires to be more than just a school furniture manufacturer; we aim to offer ideas and quality that overpowers the old traditional classroom seating arrangements. With a vast range of classroom furniture to choose from, one can easily select the type of furniture that caters his or her needs, enhancing the outlook of the premises. From collaborative seating to differently shaped desks or double-desks, Popcorn Furniture has it all!
We at Popcorn furniture provide the most reliable, pocket-friendly and innovative classroom furniture, which helps in adding a better perspective of the students towards their education.
Are you willing to know more about what type of classroom layouts can make your classrooms more attractive? Contact us at 1800-1200-49999 today and get all the details.