Due to the Coronavirus outbreak, everyone is encouraged to spend all their time at home to decrease the spread of the virus. COVID-19 has made people more cautious and all try to take precautions to avoid getting infected.
When schools reopen, even though washing hands will be one of the most important ways to prevent the spread of COVID-19, it is also crucial to fight against bacteria and harmful pathogens in your school.
The classroom should be cleaned, disinfected, and sanitized every day. When cleaning your classroom, do not forget to clean the classroom furniture. Whether it’s wooden or plastic or upholstery or metal furniture that you sit or lay down on, the cleanliness of the furniture ensures that the students will be well and it will prevent the spread of the virus.
Here are some tips for sanitizing the classrooms:
- Ensure that you start off by washing your hands with soap and water for approximately 20 seconds.
- Wear gloves to protect yourself from harmful pathogens.
- Vacuum often, especially in small areas such as the crevices.
- Dusting off the furniture wearing a mask yourself.
- Using disinfecting products that are suitable for the material of the furniture.
When cleaning the school for the first time after lockdown, one may book a professional cleaner if needed since they have stronger cleaning agents. However, make sure that the cleaning agents do not damage the furniture and leave toxic fumes lingering in the classroom.
Even after a thorough cleaning, if there are doubts on the cleanliness of anything in the classroom be it furniture or an equipment get in touch with the vendor and have the thing replaced.
We hope that the schools fill up with the laughter of children sooner than later.