Finishing your school life and entering the college phase can be a bit difficult; more than anyone might have imagined. A person is surrounded by ample of work, new people, responsibilities, et cetera.
However, the worldwide pandemic has changed everything. Colleges and educational were shut down, just like every other functioning entities. For almost a year, students and teachers carried out the ‘learning ‘activities using the latest technology and upgraded versions of internet. Somehow things improved a bit this year; people thought the new normal will finally change back to our old lives, but unfortunately, the second wave of Covid-19 hit us brutally. Once again, every functioning of the economy switched to online mode.
Even after so many difficulties, people have come back stronger. Citizens of our country are ready again to work again, while the students are still stuck at home, unwillingly attending online sessions.

The administrators of educational institutions are taking advantage of the absence of their students. They are of the view that thier premises can easily get renovated with no students around. Addition of a few new furniture is not an expenditure, but an investment for the future. Many studies have shown that continuous changes, be it big or minute, around the premise can have a positive impact on the children in many ways.
Taking into account these important point of views, the team of Popcorn Furniture has a college furniture series to offer, that too at pocket friendly prices!
Here are some of the best furniture to offer:
Tables, desks & chairs : Meeting the ergonomics standards, Popcorn furniture has some of the best basic college furniture available. The quality and convenience provided by us is unbeatable! Choose from the wide range of tables and chairs available at our website. Select what suits your ambience and students the best, and leave the rest us .Hostel Furniture: Majority of the colleges have hostels as well. Hence, our team has some amazing furniture for students who stay in hostels as well. From single beds to double bunk beds, we have it all!
Collaborative Seating: The need of the hour in 21st century is the exchange of ideas and thoughts. Therefore, Popcorn furniture and team has collaboratively seating to offer, which helps promoting education and learning. In addition, we have natural collaborative furniture series as well, designed for international and modern look. There are various natural collaborative Seating to choose from, such as trapezium table, rectangle table, pie table, et cetera.
The aim of our team is to create and generate furniture that create a sense of safety, comfort and convenience. Being the leading furniture supplier and manufacturer in India, Popcorn Furniture tries to set the benchmark higher than ever! We promise not to disappoint you.
Are you willing to change your college premise? Contact us at 1800-1200-49999 today and get all the details.