Every day students and staff tend to move in and out of school classrooms. This makes the environment easily prone to the spread of infectious diseases.
Fortunately, schools can follow certain simple steps to slow the spread of viral diseases.
Here are a few tips on how schools can slow the spread of flu through proper cleaning and disinfecting.
Maintain routine cleaning and disinfecting activities
It is important that schools maintain routine cleaning and disinfecting activities. These activities should also be aligned as per the germs and viruses that need to be removed. As per several studies, once the flu virus gets deposited on a surface, it lives and can infect a person for up to 48 hours. The studies also found that it was not necessary for schools to close and clean for removing viruses. Schools can continue with their standard routine cleaning and disinfecting practices to remove the germs and viruses as they are comparatively fragile in nature. Regular cleaning and disinfecting practices are sufficient in killing the germs.
For example, one of the schools in Hyderabad keeps a regular schedule everyday for cleaning and disinfecting activities before children and staff comes to school. This helps them maintain a routine cleaning programme and help schools.
For example, One of the popular schools in Bangalore hires professionals for their routine and disinfecting activities so that there is a regular timing and schedule for the cleaning activity.
2. Surfaces in and around school that are touched should be cleaned and disinfected often
The regular standard procedures for cleaning and disinfecting should be followed by schools. This would mean sanitizing surfaces that are touched often such as countertops, doorknobs, computer keyboards, desks, phones, toys etc. Disinfecting of specific areas like bathrooms and washrooms should be followed daily.
For example – There are many schools who maintain a schedule where they make sure that all the furniture in the classrooms; computers are cleaned more frequently that are used repeatedly by more number of students and staff.
For example – One of the popular schools that we got in touch with made sure that the cleaning staff wear gloves to protect your hands when cleaning activity is done with bleach solutions.

3. Clean and disinfect properly
Schools often tend to follow standard cleaning products for regular cleaning and disinfecting. But that may not be enough to kill germs, especially the more stubborn viruses. There is a need for schools to follow certain procedure to clean and disinfect properly.
For example: Schools can follow certain steps for cleaning and disinfecting the school. The first step is to clean the surface and the second step is to disinfect properly. Once the initial cleaning is done with any general cleaning product, the surface needs to be disinfected with an authorized disinfectant, following the instructions on the label.
For example: There are many schools that employ professional cleaners who use strong disinfect cleaners as they will have the ability to use them with proper safety and precautionary measures.
4. Use cleaning products safely
Most of the disinfecting cleaners that are available in the market are effective but if not used properly, they can be dangerous. Many of these products need to be used with safety equipments such as gloves and eye protection. One should also be careful in handling these products as it hazardous to mix disinfectants and cleaners – it can lead to serious injury.
5. Follow the correct way to dispose the waste
Schools need to have multiple wastebaskets in classrooms. This is good way to dispose napkins and tissues, but school authorities need to make sure that they are disposing items inside the wastebasket in the right manner. One should also avoid touching tissues and other waste items.
For example: Wear gloves and regularly wash hands with soap and water once the trash is disposed. Also, wastebaskets need to kept in places where it is easily visible to students and staff , so that they can dispose their own tissues in the basket.
For example:
Finally, schools should educate and remind students and staff to wash their hands frequently, avoid touching their faces and maintain social distancing. By following the tips that are mentioned in the blog, schools can help slow the spread of the flu.