Practical studying has come into focus now more than ever. Apart from understanding and learning theories from books, performing the written content practically has now taken over the school curriculum. The importance has now been highlighted by the educators in order to develop the skills of students in a much better way.
Carrying out the theories in laboratories helps the children figure out what they actually like or not; be it mathematics laboratory, chemistry laboratory, et cetera, this part of school curriculum lets them find what they are passionate about and what they would like to pursue later as well.

This change was necessary, so is the need to change your old long forgotten laboratories. With the students coming back often to the laboratories, you would want to renovate them, so that the students feel better while performing the activities. People often think that laboratories and its furniture is not as important as classrooms or staffs’ room, but this new perspective of enhancing the practical education more may want you to re-think the old traditional ways of teaching.
Having good furniture inside the laboratories does not mean having good quality and ergonomic chairs and desks; different laboratories have different needs, for example, a mathematics lab will require long or collaborative desks and chairs while a chemistry lab may require high-quality apparatus, sinks and storages to keep equipment and other important things. A language learning lab may require more individual space and a classroom layout that helps them focus more on the language, while a social science laboratory will require having more space inside the room to perform different experiments and showcase important apparatus and things such as diagrams of digestive system, DNA et cetera. To explain briefly, every lab has its own needs to be catered.
Hence, the team of Popcorn Furniture, being the best school furniture manufacturer of in India, provides quality and ergonomic laboratory furniture for all types of laboratories. Be it biology lab, social science or composite lab; we have got it all. The cost-efficient furniture offered by us will certainly leave your students in awe!
The team is of the view that every laboratory has its own essence and environment, which needs to be respected by using the accurate and adequate type of furniture. For starters, in case of chemistry laboratories, the tables come along with sinks that are acid-resistant, faucets, reagent shelves and inbuilt gas nozzles. By keeping up with the modern times, our laboratory furniture is innovative, creative and trendy too!
Popcorn Furniture and our team of professional designers, we believe in leaving no stone unturned; therefore we provide complete lab designing and planning facilities, which will help you rejuvenate your laboratories, all by your choice! Our laboratory furniture is also equipped with storages which are water proof and chemical resistant!
Willing to breathe a new life in your laboratories? Contact us at 1800-1200-49999 today and get all the details.