One thing is for certain, ambience and furniture of college is very different to that of the schools. It is often said that the college life is called the ‘new phase’ in a student’s life; it prepares them for their future and how to surpass the barriers and hurdles of life.
However, the closure of schools and colleges for more than a year now has affected their education diversely. These higher studies are as important as any other type of education; hence re-opening of colleges is as important re-commencing of any other academic institution.

Given that the pandemic has not left our planet yet, security and safety measures are on the priority list of every educational institution. Implementation and addition of hygiene services are the need of the hour, providing a sense of safety to the faculty, children and their parents.
We at Popcorn Furniture believe these sanitization assistances are an important aspect and approach to re-open the colleges and schools and continue with the educational curriculum. Therefore, the team decided to create a list that emphasizes on the imperative sanitization measures and how Popcorn Furniture can help you attain them.
- Disinfection services: The most essential part that comes under the process of ‘implementing hygiene services’ is to disinfect every nook and corner of the premises. Students roam around the college just like any other place, constantly touching and coming in contact with things such as chairs, tables and other highly exposed areas; for example stair cases, door knobs, et cetera. However, with our disinfection services, you can sit back and relax. For starters, we have silver nano-technology combined with natural Ayurveda solutions, which are non-toxic and safer for the children. Besides our herbal surface treatments, we offer high level disinfectant solutions such as Virex II 256 disinfectant, hand hygiene dispensers, and other sprays or alcohol rubs that kills 99.9% of the germs and bacteria, leaving you a virus-free environment to function in.
- Usage of hygiene accessories: Handy equipment and subsidiaries that help you sanitize areas easily are an ideal choice for every college or school faculty member. The sudden rise in UVC sterilizers is something to count on. Not only are they easy to utilize and helps in disinfecting large and smaller areas within a short span of time, but also, they are pocket-friendly and trendy! What’s more? We also offer infra-red thermal ‘temperature checking’ machine, which are now an essential asset for everyone!
- Regular Check-ups: The problem just doesn’t end at hiring disinfection services. Routinely check-ups are important as well. Popcorn Furniture and the team has come up with these disinfection and sanitization assistances with a regular and time-to-time check-ups that help you maintain a healthy and safe environment for everyone at your premises.
Thinking of re-starting your college our way? Contact us at 1800-1200-49999 today and get all the details.