Sooner or later schools need to reopen giving students and parents the confidence that the school has taken care of sanitisation in every possible way to prevent the outspread of COVID-19. Popcorn, the best furniture manufacturer of India is all set to organise a webinar to help schools with knowledge from companies who provide solutions to safe opening.

Through the webinar, the industry experts will talk about how the cleaning methodologies, non-toxic sanitisation, and UV technology can be used in such a way that schools can open safely and students can go back to school soon. This initiative is taken by Popcorn for the benefits of the schools which can help them with information with an intention of keeping them fully informed about the sanitization process and help them to communicate with the companies who can answer their questions during the Webinar.
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The massive outbreak of novel coronavirus has hindered our regular lives extensively. While social distancing has become a regular norm, schools, colleges and workplaces and other meeting places have remained closed for months. After three months of prolonged Lockdown, Government of India has started giving orders to reopen offices, shopping malls and restaurants. Though the schools, colleges and other academic institutions are still closed, it is expected that gradually students too will be asked to get back to their normal routine.
But getting back to school after COVID-19 crisis will not be an easy task for learners. While there will always be a fear of COVID-19 community transmission, it is also a known fact that young learners are more prone to be the victim of coronavirus. Therefore, it is a matter of extreme fear for parents to send children back to schools or any other educational institutions.
Therefore, it is important to know how can we protect our young generation from the deadly COVID 19 virus if they start to go to school.
School Sanitization to combat COVID-19 on learners
As the growing concern of parents regarding the situation is legit, it is also true that this educational gap can disturb the regular academic flow. If students stay away from learning for a longer period of time, it can be difficult later to mitigate the learning gaps.
In this extremely tricky situation, it is imperative to come up with a solution which can help students to go on with their regular lives and can parallelly ensure parents for their kids’ safety.
In this blog, we will talk about some methods which can help school administration to ensure the safety of kids.
If schools will start to open in the coming months, sanitizing the entire school is highly recommended. Starting from the classrooms, canteens, labs to the ground – every part of the school need to sanitized with the help of technology. It is important to ensure that all the dust and dirt are cleaned before the main sanitization process. When we are talking about sanitization, it will never be mere disinfecting the school premise but cleaning every portion of the school thoroughly. Using pesticides and spreading disinfects can primarily help to keep the school premise safe. But these disinfect and pesticides are even harmful to children. Thus, apart from just spreading these chemical elements, it is important to clean the school properly and ensure top-notch safety for students. There are a wide array of solutions for sanitization like chemical-based, tech-based and UV based sanitization. If a school finds it difficult to sanitize the school with the help of their own stuff, they can easily contact companies who are providing great sanitization facilities to the academic institutions. With the help of such organisations, schools can ensure student safety in a seamless manner.
Regular cleaning:
We must not forget that it is time harsh time of COVID-19! And keeping the children safe is the duty of school authority and elders. Therefore, apart from sanitising the school campus, regular cleaning is highly recommended at this point in time. Starting from school desks, chairs, broads, switchboards, duster, shelves to lifts, staircases – all need to be cleaned on a daily basis with utmost care and consciousness. During the school hours, frequent cleaning of the toilet is also very important during this time.
Personal Sanitization:
Washing hands for twenty seconds is extremely useful to combat COVID-19. Carrying hand sanitizer, washing hands frequently, wearing masks, avoiding food consumption (as much as possible) at school premise are highly necessary. Children need to practise healthy habits of cleanliness and facilitators need to encourage them always for the same.
RIVM hygiene standards
It is a fact that India has not come up with any particular guideline for school sanitization. Therefore we are going to talk about some of the hygiene standards set by different countries of the world from school sanitization. When we are talking about the significance of school sanitization during the post-COVID-19 scenario, it is important to talk about the RIVM hygiene standards. In 2016, RIVM aka The National Institute for Public Health and the Environment of Netherlands set hygiene standards for proper cleaning in primary schools. This guideline which talks about the disinfection in the school buildings needs to be discussed. Here are a few points:
• Household Chlorine (bleach) should not be used for disinfection. The product is unstable and not allowed as a disinfectant
• Disinfectants do not work well when something is still dirty. Therefore clean first and then disinfect the school premise
• Always follow the instructions while using the disinfectant
• Make sure, people participating in such tasks are always wearing gloves made of nitrile or latex that comply with the healthcare standards and washing hands with soap and water afterwards
South Africa has come up with their own guidelines too which talks about how the schools should prepare themselves for the reopening of academic institutions. Allotment of minimum health and hygiene packages are declared for all the schools which comprise hand-washing soap, alcohol-based hand sanitizer, disinfectant, masks for learners and facilitators, heavy-duty cleaning gloves, disposable aprons, goggles and visors for cleaning stuff.
The Government is willing to organise orientation programs for SMT, teachers and school staff to help them manage school activities during this COVID crisis. Moreover, all the participants of the orientation program are asked to keep a printed guideline document so they do not have to miss out on any point.
Popcorn – School’s Well-wisher
We know that it is a trying time for all of us and Popcorn Furniture, the leading furniture manufacturer of India is not just about business. Team Popcorn aims to be part of the journey of every student by providing them with world-class furniture. Therefore, the present consequences faced by the learners due to COVID-19 bothers Popcorn a lot. Being a well-wisher of the education industry, Popcorn, therefore, is keeping no stone unturned to make the situation less complicated for school administration and students.
This is the very reason, Popcorn is going to conduct a webinar on the very same topic soon where experts will talk more about the detailed methods of school sanitization and how school sanitization will work as a key safety factor for students during the post-COVID-19 scenario. During this webinar, school representatives can ask questions to the panel members who are associated with organisations which take care of scientific sanitization process of schools and other institutions. The panel members will be there to help the participants with sanitization-related information and guide them about the process.
So stay tuned and stay connected to get more updates about Popcorn’s upcoming webinar. Popcorn is soon going to announce the date. Mark your calendar accordingly.