The Toto Chair is a multi-functional chair that provides immediate support and comfort. The settling time is less and students can get to work in an instance. The ergonomic seat pan and subtle shell contours support movement in a working posture. There is a gentle flex at the top of the chair that opens the contours up for a reclining position that relaxes the students. The chair also has a generous waterfall seat front to support circulation to children’s legs and feet. The chair has thus been a top contender for major kindergarten school purchases.
Popcorn Furniture’s high-tech molding keeps the seat back not only strong and flexible but also completely eliminates the exposed structural “ribs” on the back of the chair’s shell. The Toto chair is not like the traditional institutional classroom chair. It has the following additional features:
- Provides a combination of durability and pocket-friendly at the same time.
- The chair has two grooves that allow kids to hang their bags on the chair.
- The legs have PVC shoes attached to give a smooth and complete finish.